RNA-seq Bioinformatics

Introduction to bioinformatics for RNA sequence analysis

Differential Expression with Ballgown


Differential Expression mini lecture

If you would like a brief refresher on differential expression analysis, please refer to the mini lecture.

Ballgown DE Analysis

Use Ballgown to compare the UHR and HBR conditions. Refer to the Ballgown manual for a more detailed explanation:

Create and change to ballgown ref-only results directory:

mkdir -p $RNA_HOME/de/ballgown/ref_only/
cd $RNA_HOME/de/ballgown/ref_only/

Perform UHR vs. HBR comparison, using all replicates, for known (reference only mode) transcripts:

First, start an R session:


Run the following R commands in your R session.

# load the required libraries

# Create phenotype data needed for ballgown analysis
ids = c("UHR_Rep1", "UHR_Rep2", "UHR_Rep3", "HBR_Rep1", "HBR_Rep2", "HBR_Rep3")
type = c("UHR", "UHR", "UHR", "HBR", "HBR", "HBR")
inputs = "/home/ubuntu/workspace/rnaseq/expression/stringtie/ref_only/"
path = paste(inputs, ids, sep="")
pheno_data = data.frame(ids, type, path)

# Load ballgown data structure and save it to a variable "bg"
bg = ballgown(samples = as.vector(pheno_data$path), pData = pheno_data)

# Display a description of this object

# Load all attributes including gene name
bg_table = texpr(bg, 'all')
bg_gene_names = unique(bg_table[, 9:10])
bg_transcript_names = unique(bg_table[, c(1, 6)])

# Save the ballgown object to a file for later use
save(bg, file = 'bg.rda')

# Perform differential expression (DE) analysis with no filtering, at both gene and transcript level
results_transcripts = stattest(bg, feature = "transcript", covariate = "type", getFC = TRUE, meas = "FPKM")
results_transcripts = merge(results_transcripts, bg_transcript_names, by.x = c("id"), by.y = c("t_id"))

results_genes = stattest(bg, feature = "gene", covariate = "type", getFC = TRUE, meas = "FPKM")
results_genes = merge(results_genes, bg_gene_names, by.x = c("id"), by.y = c("gene_id"))

# Save a tab delimited file for both the transcript and gene results
write.table(results_transcripts, "UHR_vs_HBR_transcript_results.tsv", sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
write.table(results_genes, "UHR_vs_HBR_gene_results.tsv", sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

# Filter low-abundance genes. Here we remove all transcripts with a variance across the samples of less than one
bg_filt = subset (bg, "rowVars(texpr(bg)) > 1", genomesubset = TRUE)

# Load all attributes including gene name
bg_filt_table = texpr(bg_filt , 'all')
bg_filt_gene_names = unique(bg_filt_table[, 9:10])
bg_filt_transcript_names = unique(bg_filt_table[, c(1,6)])

# Perform DE analysis now using the filtered data
results_transcripts = stattest(bg_filt, feature = "transcript", covariate = "type", getFC = TRUE, meas = "FPKM")
results_transcripts = merge(results_transcripts, bg_filt_transcript_names, by.x = c("id"), by.y = c("t_id"))

results_genes = stattest(bg_filt, feature = "gene", covariate = "type", getFC = TRUE, meas = "FPKM")
results_genes = merge(results_genes, bg_filt_gene_names, by.x = c("id"), by.y = c("gene_id"))

# Output the filtered list of genes and transcripts and save to tab delimited files
write.table(results_transcripts, "UHR_vs_HBR_transcript_results_filtered.tsv", sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
write.table(results_genes, "UHR_vs_HBR_gene_results_filtered.tsv", sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

# Identify the significant genes with p-value < 0.05
sig_transcripts = subset(results_transcripts, results_transcripts$pval<0.05)
sig_genes = subset(results_genes, results_genes$pval<0.05)

# Output the significant gene results to a pair of tab delimited files
write.table(sig_transcripts, "UHR_vs_HBR_transcript_results_sig.tsv", sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
write.table(sig_genes, "UHR_vs_HBR_gene_results_sig.tsv", sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

# Exit the R session
quit(save = "no")

Once you have completed the Ballgown analysis in R, exit the R session and continue with the steps below. A copy of the above R code is located here.

What does the raw output from Ballgown look like?

head UHR_vs_HBR_gene_results.tsv

How many genes are there on this chromosome?

grep -v feature UHR_vs_HBR_gene_results.tsv | wc -l

How many passed filter in UHR or HBR?

grep -v feature UHR_vs_HBR_gene_results_filtered.tsv | wc -l

How many differentially expressed genes were found on this chromosome (p-value < 0.05)?

grep -v feature UHR_vs_HBR_gene_results_sig.tsv | wc -l

Display the top 20 DE genes. Look at some of those genes in IGV - do they make sense?

In the following commands we use grep -v feature to remove lines that contain “feature”. Then we use sort to sort the data in various ways. The k option specifies that we want to sort on a particular column (3 in this case which has the DE fold change values). The n option tells sort to sort numerically. The r option tells sort to reverse the sort.

grep -v feature UHR_vs_HBR_gene_results_sig.tsv | sort -rnk 3 | head -n 20 | column -t #Higher abundance in UHR
grep -v feature UHR_vs_HBR_gene_results_sig.tsv | sort -nk 3 | head -n 20 | column -t #Higher abundance in HBR

Save all genes with P<0.05 to a new file.

grep -v feature UHR_vs_HBR_gene_results_sig.tsv | cut -f 6 | sed 's/\"//g' > DE_genes.txt
head DE_genes.txt


Assignment: Use Ballgown to identify differentially expressed genes from the StringTie expression estimates (i.e., Ballgown table files) which you created in Practical Exercise 8.

Solution: When you are ready you can check your approach against the Solutions

ERCC DE Analysis

This section will compare the differential expression estimates obtained by the RNAseq analysis against the expected differential expression results for the ERCC spike-in RNAs (mix1-UHR vs mix2-HBR):

First set up a directory to store the results of this analysis.

mkdir $RNA_HOME/de/ercc_spikein_analysis/
cd $RNA_HOME/de/ercc_spikein_analysis/
wget http://genomedata.org/rnaseq-tutorial/ERCC_Controls_Analysis.txt
cat ERCC_Controls_Analysis.txt

Using R load the expected and observed ERCC DE results and produce a visualization.

First, start an R session:


Work through the following R commands


#load the ERCC expected fold change values for mix1 vs mix2
ercc_ref = read.table("ERCC_Controls_Analysis.txt", header=TRUE, sep="\t")
names(ercc_ref) = c("id", "ercc_id", "subgroup", "ref_conc_mix_1", "ref_conc_mix_2", "ref_fc_mix1_vs_mix2", "ref_log2_mix1_vs_mix2")

#load the observed fold change values determined by our RNA-seq analysis
rna_de_file = "~/workspace/rnaseq/de/ballgown/ref_only/UHR_vs_HBR_gene_results.tsv";
rna_de = read.table(rna_de_file, header=TRUE, sep="\t")

#combine the expected and observed data into a single data table
ercc_ref_de = merge(x = ercc_ref, y = rna_de, by.x = "ercc_id", by.y = "id", all.x = TRUE)

#convert fold change values to log2 scale
ercc_ref_de$observed_log2_fc = log2(ercc_ref_de$fc)
ercc_ref_de$expected_log2_fc = ercc_ref_de$ref_log2_mix1_vs_mix2

#fit a linear model and calculate R squared between the observed and expected fold change values
model = lm(observed_log2_fc ~ expected_log2_fc, data=ercc_ref_de)
r_squared = summary(model)[["r.squared"]]

#create a scatterplot to compare the observed and expected fold change values
p = ggplot(ercc_ref_de, aes(x = expected_log2_fc, y = observed_log2_fc))
p = p + geom_point(aes(color = subgroup)) 
p = p + geom_smooth(method = lm) 
p = p + annotate("text", 1, 2, label=paste("R^2 =", r_squared, sep=" "))
p = p + xlab("Expected Fold Change (log2 scale)") 
p = p + ylab("Observed Fold Change in RNA-seq data (log2 scale)")

#save the plot to a PDF

# Exit the R session

View the results here: